Feb 6, 2023
New Year 50/50 Win $6,522
Congratulations to Judi Lambert, the very first Double Deep 50/50 winner with ticket #99004807012. Upon delivering the good news about her second win— only a few months after her October Early Bird Prize collection— Judi informed the Foundation that she had purchased the night before in both circumstances, and that $6,522.50 was definitely exciting, even if you've "done it before"!
If you’d like to support the February draw, please be aware that the Deep 50/50 online experience has now been upgraded. You are now able to support the Foundation with an easier check-out process and one-click purchasing for repeat supporters. Check it out at https://deep5050.ca. Or, stop by on Wednesday at Jan’s Valu-Mart to purchase tickets in-person from 10am to 4pm, or make a shopping trip to the DRDH Auxiliary Gift Shop whenever it’s open for another ticket purchasing option.
The Deep 50/50 Lottery exists to raise funds and awareness for Closer To Home, a $2.5M campaign to help the Deep River & District Hospital build a 96-bed Long-Term Care Home. If you'd like to learn more about this project, please visit https://www.drdh.org/ClosertoHomeCampaign.